All about Gabbeh tissue
Persian weaving: Horizontal weaving (ground) is first done in an open place using three metal rods with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a length of about one meter. The first to the second bar is one meter and the second bar to the third is the length of Gabbeh (if the length of Gabbeh is 3 meters, the distance between the second and third bars is 3 meters) and the second bar should not be along the first and third bars so that it can be easily controlled. Be.
The yarn is tied around the first bar, passed over the second bar, and left around the third bar. In the return and passing from the left side of the second bar, the right side of the first bar will be crossed so that the threads between the first and second bars are crossed. It happens. 6 to 12 strings, depending on the size of the Gabbeh, are added for the Gabbeh screw head on either side of the chale.
Once ready, the stalks should be transferred to the gabbe tree, which can cause clutter and clutter. To prevent this, multi-layered yarn is considered to be twice the width of the gabbeh, and the threaded yarns are tied to the first rod 2 by 2 in the form of a weave, or left and right are passed through the side of the loops, thus weaving the loop yarns. They separate in pairs. This is done to count and sew the strings under the hanger. After finishing the weaving work, a string of yarn of the type of yarn with a length of 8 times the width of the gabbeh is cut into 6 layers and twisted, and then the two ends of this 6-layered thread are coiled, which is called this thread. The threads, which are close to the third rod, are separated from each other in groups of 6 to 8 by a threaded thread, and the left thread is woven into a weave by left and right. If the desired Gabbeh is 30 ridges, 6 will be separated, and if it is 40 ridges, 8 will be separated.
Each of the 10 nodes is considered as Gabbeh’s reference number. This method is used to tie additional roots on the head in the Gabbeh device in the Persian method and to divide the strands evenly on the head.
Once the sticks are ready, remove them from the bars and replace the bars with thick thread or rope. Then they carefully remove the holes. At this stage, the head is inserted into the holes on one side (the distance between the second rod and the dowel thread). Now above the head, they are tied together in several categories proportional to the thread. The landing thread is responsible for separating and separating the holes in the width of the Gabbeh in the lowering stage. After ensuring that the spool is properly distributed on the head and under the hood and its uniformity, they tighten the spool by means of a bolt or screw. In this type of weaving, a wooden or iron belt is usually not used to restrain the weaves before weaving the kilim, because it is sufficient to restrain the weave in this type of weaving to prevent cysts and rotate the weave.
Screwdriver: To fasten the wood or metal rods, we choose a diameter of 4 to 6 cm and the size of the width of the device. This wood, which is the same as koji, first binds the two sides of the wood or rod with two strings of rope tightly to the right side of the rope, and then another multi-layered thread that is longer than the length of the koji wood, to the two ends of the koji or wood. The nails that are stuck to the two ends of the stick are closed. The thread, which is placed all over the koji wood, is tied with another thin thread that separates the strings one by one. So that by pulling the main thread, the threads can be pulled on the koji, and by pulling the main thread to both ends of the koji, it will be possible to spread more of the string on the koji wood. Because the poles are trapezoidal at the bottom of the ridge, it prevents the Gabbeh from collapsing on either side. To connect the skein to the skein and to separate the skeins below and above, a gap is created between them. After completing the work to tie the skein to the skein, two pieces of wood under the head are placed on both sides of the skein on the right side. To make the wood stick higher than the surface of the stump and the under and over threads to be marked.
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