World Handicrafts Day in Iran
World Handicrafts Day – In today’s violent world, which is a sign of technical mastery of the human soul, handicrafts means blowing the spirit of tenderness into this rough life and human beings want tenderness, and handicrafts meet this urgent human need. June 10; We celebrate World Handicrafts Day.One of the characteristics of handicrafts is that this industry is the result of the spirit of nations and the culture of national cultures of countries, which can be easily understood by referring to the statistics of handicrafts of countries, so handicrafts are not just a commodity for exchange but characteristics Cultural and ethnic characteristics are exchanged through handicrafts and create a kind of connection.
World Handicrafts Council:
After World War II, handicrafts attracted the attention of developed countries with their artistic and cultural content, and on June 10, 1964, the First World Congress was attended by executive officials of university professors, artists, and artisans from more than 40 countries. In New York, the final resolution of the Congress approved the establishment of the World Handicrafts Council as a UNESCO affiliate.With the establishment of the United Nations, the protection of human cultural heritage has been entrusted to UNESCO or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. According to UNESCO, handicrafts and traditional handicrafts have been considered as part of the cultural and economic life of nations. Iran has also been a member of the World Handicrafts Council since 1968 by the Handicrafts Organization of Iran. Initially, the World Handicrafts Council began with a limited number of members and currently covers 90 countries. The Secretariat of the World Handicrafts Council is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.The most important goals that this council has set as a non-profit non-governmental organization are:
1) Encouraging, helping and guiding handicraftsmen as well as raising the level of their specialized and professional information according to the different cultural fields available in each member state.
2) Preservation and strengthening of handicrafts and its manifestation as a major element of the cultural life of nations.
3) Creating solidarity among handicraftsmen around the world.Only one organization from each country can join the council as a representative of the country’s artisans, and the Iranian Handicrafts Organization has been a member of the World Handicrafts Council since 1968 as the body responsible for the country’s handicrafts.