What are the benefits of consuming seedless red grapes?
Nutritional profile of red grapes
Half a cup of seedless red grapes gives you only 29 calories. Therefore, its consumption is a good choice for weight loss and weight maintenance diets. With 8 grams of carbohydrates in one serving, red grapes are a low glycemic snack for people who need to have an anti-diabetic diet or eat fewer carbohydrates a day. One serving of this fruit provides small amounts of vitamins to the body.
For example, a serving of red grapes provides about 5% of the daily requirement of men and 6% of the daily requirement of women with vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and can prevent a variety of diseases including cancer, heart disease and macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is the most common eye disease among the elderly.
Benefits of heartless red grapes for the heart
Red grape color is derived from anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid. The darker the skin of the grape, the higher its anthocyanin content. Numerous studies have shown that anthocyanins are useful for protecting the heart. For example, a long-term study published in Circulation in 2013 found that women who ate more than three servings a week of anthocyanin-containing foods had a lower risk of heart attack. This study focused on all red and blue fruits and the results are not specific to red grapes.
Grape skin also contains a phytochemical called resveratrol, which may be useful in treating atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a risk factor for heart disease. A small human study published in the International Journal of Cardiology in 2013 found that resveratrol in grape skin extract improved arterial health in people who had used the substance for 30 days. However, larger studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of resveratrol as an effective treatment for arterial occlusion.
Benefits of kernel-free red grapes for the brain
Resveratrol in grape skin may have protective benefits for the body’s nervous system. It also helps increase cognitive power. In a small study, researchers monitored participants for 26 years to see how resveratrol affects brain health. At the end of the study period, cognitive tests showed that hippocampal function was significantly improved in these individuals. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is connected to memory. The findings were published in the journal Neuroscience in 2014.
Ways to consume red grapes
Red grapes are a versatile food. But most of us use it as a snack. Of course, there are other ways to use this delicious and rich fruit. For example, add raw grapes and walnuts to a salad or dilute it with strawberries and triple the amount of anthocyanins in your drink. You can even use this substance in preparing sauces and next to grilled chicken. Keep in mind, of course, that heating foods destroys their vitamin C to some extent.