Vacancy of handicraft house in Golpayegan
The head of cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism of Golpayegan city said: the existence of a handicraft house that promotes and teaches free handicrafts is necessary and its vacancy is felt.
Mustafa Qanuni stated: The amount of accommodation and reception of tourists in June of this year compared to June of last year shows that serious damage caused by the outbreak of Corona virus has been inflicted on tourism in the city. Fortunately, tourism conditions have returned to normal sooner than other businesses, but despite an increase in tourism infrastructure such as tourist service offices and the number of guest houses last year, at least a doubling of tourist accommodation was expected, but the outbreak of the Corona virus , Prevented this from happening.
He continued: At present, 2 hotels, 7 ecotourism resorts, a guest house, 5 guest house units, 3 tourist service offices and 100 restaurant units in Golpayegan city provide services to tourists.
The head of cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism of Golpayegan city said: last year, the number of individual production licenses in the field of handicrafts was 38 and the validity of 16 licenses was extended to continue the activity. Also, 4 home business licenses were issued in 1998, which resulted in the payment of facilities to 4 handicraft artists.
Qanuni added: Considering that the art of pottery has been popular in the city for a long time, we are trying to revive this popular field in the city and provide its training conditions.
He reminded: Despite the great talents in the young people of the city, the existence of a handicraft house that promotes and teaches free handicrafts is necessary and its vacancy is felt that we are pursuing the provision of equipment and equipment in the near future.