Thyme extract is suitable for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

Thyme extract is a natural and ideal treatment for the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and is effective in treating all the symptoms of IBS.
The results of clinical research conducted by Barij Essential Oil Pharmaceutical Company show a very significant therapeutic effect of thyme in the treatment of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Thyme is a member of the mint family that produces an essential oil from its leaves and flowering branches that has many therapeutic effects.
Among these therapeutic effects, we can mention the powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial effects as analgesic and local anesthetics.
According to the results of this study, only 10% of people with IBS symptoms seek medical attention, and of these, approximately 25% do not respond to treatment or even get worse. Treatment is generally experimental and the patient may Take a number of different medications such as antispasmodics, anti-diarrheal agents, laxatives, cidapride or hyoscine, each of which has side effects.
It is noteworthy that the importance of this study in introducing a drug to relieve the symptoms of IBS that, while having a good effect, has relatively few side effects of drugs used in IBS.
The results of this study show that in general 4.91% of patients treated with thyme essential oil were satisfied and the positive opinion of physicians about treatment with this essential oil was in 3.94% of cases.
Part of this study discusses the side effects of over-consumption of this plant: Consumption of large amounts of thyme may cause mucosal irritation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache. It should be noted that irritable bowel syndrome is one of the functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which includes abdominal pain with diarrhea, constipation or diarrhea and intermittent constipation, and sometimes with extra-gastrointestinal symptoms, including functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is digestive.