Interactions of handicrafts and tourism
Interactions of handicrafts and tourism Interactions between handicrafts and tourism and our country's potential in this field to attract domestic,
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-14T11:07:49+03:30March 6th, 2022|News|
Interactions of handicrafts and tourism Interactions between handicrafts and tourism and our country's potential in this field to attract domestic,
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-14T02:56:11+03:30March 1st, 2022|News|
The value of handicraft exports is growing by 40% this year Dr. Hamid Hajipour, Technical and Economic Deputy of the
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-14T01:36:14+03:30February 27th, 2022|News|
Exports of handicrafts fell by about 10 percent The value of handicraft exports during the first six months of this
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-14T01:07:36+03:30February 26th, 2022|News|
Handicraft training to 3400 people of Bam 3400 people interested in handicrafts in Bam city will be covered by the
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-13T23:54:41+03:30February 22nd, 2022|News|
Stereotypes in our handicrafts are old and severely degrading Ghobad Shiva, a master of communication design from the University of
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-14T00:20:17+03:30February 19th, 2022|News|
Exports of handicrafts and carpets in the fourth program will reach $ 2 billion The bill establishing the Iranian Handicrafts