Exports of handicrafts and carpets in the fourth program will reach $ 2 billion
Exports of handicrafts and carpets in the fourth program will reach $ 2 billion The bill establishing the Iranian Handicrafts
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-14T00:20:17+03:30February 19th, 2022|News|
Exports of handicrafts and carpets in the fourth program will reach $ 2 billion The bill establishing the Iranian Handicrafts
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-13T23:58:18+03:30February 14th, 2022|News|
Handicrafts are a sign of the cultural identity of the Iranian nation and country Iranian handicrafts are oppressed and need
By Mr Iroonia|2021-01-13T23:34:23+03:30February 14th, 2022|News|
Privatization of handicrafts is not possible Privatization of handicrafts is not possible, the CEO of the Iranian Handicrafts Organization, who
By Mr Iroonia|2020-12-31T23:40:45+03:30January 7th, 2022|Koolleh Mag|
The flourishing of 5000 years old magical art in Kermanshah It is one of the ancient and original arts of
By Mr Iroonia|2020-12-08T16:05:22+03:30June 25th, 2021|News|
Women handicraft artists reviving desert aqueducts The deputy of handicrafts of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts
By Mr Iroonia|2020-12-08T10:45:20+03:30June 25th, 2021|News|
Nomadic handicraft products are less marketed Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Lorestan says: The artists of