Should we drink plain tea or aromatic tea?
Some people think that aromatic tea is a different kind of tea whose leaves have more aroma, but this is not the case.
Tea is a plant that grows in many countries, but according to evidence, China seems to be the birthplace of this fragrant plant. Of course, the tea plant has been imported to Iran from India and has been cultivated in the northern cities of the country. Tea needs a temperate and rainy climate to grow. For this reason, most of Iran’s tea plantations are in the northern cities of the country.
With this introduction, we want to answer a few questions about the production process of black tea and one of its most popular derivatives, aromatic tea. The following is an interview with Dr. Mohammad Hossein Azizi, a food industry specialist and faculty member at Tarbiat Modares University.
Are tea leaves harvested in spring or autumn leaves?
Tea leaves are usually picked in spring and autumn. The fresher the leaves, the younger they are, the smaller they are, and the higher the quality of the tea plant. In general, the tenderness of the leaves that are collected in spring is greater than that of autumn leaves and has a better aroma and taste.
What is the next step after brewing tea leaves to produce dry tea?
The cut leaves are given to tea factories or dry tea factories. Fresh tea leaves are first stored in halls and on shelves to moderate their humidity. This is called placement.
The temperature of these halls, which are not sunny, should be around 22 degrees Celsius so that the leaves become loose and flexible in these conditions. In the next step, these leaves are passed through a device to put mechanical pressure on them and the leaf cells are torn and cell sap is removed from them. This stage is called breaking the leaves.
Finally, the leaves are spread again in classified halls, which are similar to the first hall in terms of thermal conditions. This stage of tea production is called fermentation, in which the microorganisms in the environment and the enzymes in the leaves cause the compounds in the tea leaves to ferment.
Is fermentation time important?
Yes. The longer the tea stays in the fermentation stage, the darker the final tea will be when brewed. The only difference between green and black tea is passing through this stage; That is, green tea, unlike black tea, does not have a fermentation stage, and after the leaf breaking stage, it is sent immediately for drying, while black tea dries after the fermentation stage.
This is a production process that can be controlled. So why are Iranian teas not as good as foreign teas like Indian teas?
The problem seems to be the type of tea plants available in Iran. Because Iranian teas have not been well received for many years and large volumes of these teas remain in storage, tea growers are also reluctant to genetically modify and work on tea plants.
In addition, carelessness in collecting softer and smaller leaves is also a factor in reducing the quality of dry tea. On the other hand, the accuracy of our tea factories during the various stages of tea production may not be sufficient. All these factors go hand in hand to make the quality of Iranian tea a little lower than foreign tea and less popular. Of course, one can not ignore the difference in weather conditions and the fact that the main breeding grounds of tea, such as India and Sri Lanka, are warmer than in northern Iran.
Of course, these days, tea factories in Iran are trying to improve the quality of their products, and some domestic products can compete with their foreign counterparts.
Can you tell us about the process of flavoring black tea?
Some people think that aromatic tea is a different kind of tea whose leaves have more aroma, but this is not the case. After passing the final stage and drying, black tea is graded into several categories: coarse, fine and dusty. Dry and coarse teas are usually more expensive and of better quality. Tea powder is also mostly used in the production of tea bags. All dry teas, whether large or small, can be flavored with the addition of essential oils and various chocolate and fruit flavors. You can even add a little food coloring to dry teas. This is usually done for tea leaves in tea bags. Unfortunately, most aromatic teas are flavored with chemical essential oils.
Can aromatic teas be brewed or is it not recommended?
Most aromatic teas are usually flavored with chemical and, of course, essential oils. Although these essential oils are permissible, excessive consumption of them can cause problems such as gastrointestinal diseases, so it is better not to get used to the constant consumption of aromatic teas. In addition, drinking this type of tea is not suitable for vulnerable people such as the elderly, children and pregnant women because of the essential oils and additives they contain.
Mixing simple aromatic teas is also not recommended?
No, when you mix natural tea with aromatic tea, that is, at every meal you drink, you consume some aromatic tea with all its ingredients. However, aromatic teas should not be consumed as much as possible. It is best to limit the consumption of aromatic teas in pure or mixed form in your diet so that you can enjoy all the properties of plain tea leaves without worries.