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Revival of 4 fields of Golestan handicrafts

Revival of 4 fields of Golestan handicrafts

Ahmad Tajri said: the diversity of ethnic groups and the activity of 80 handicrafts in Golestan province has caused the products produced by the artists of this province to be in a favorable position in terms of quality and diversity.

He added: The deputy of handicrafts of the province implements study and research measures for traditional and ancient disciplines of the province that have historical background and after identifying old and prominent masters by providing training to those interested, provides a platform to promote forgotten disciplines.

The Director General of Golestan Cultural Heritage pointed out: According to the needs assessments and priorities considered this year, the revival of 4 fields of embroidery, traditional printing (batik), lacquer cutting and black felt of Rudbar is on the agenda of the deputy of handicrafts, but according to According to the quota allocated to the province, one field will be proposed and approved by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage every year.

Tajri stated: The main problems and factors of forgetting the original and indigenous handicrafts of each province are changing tastes, reducing the demand for production and as a result closing workshops, incorrect marketing, not using applied product design.

The Director General of Golestan Cultural Heritage reminded: So far, 11 handicrafts have been revived in different parts of the province and we are trying to continue the process of reproducing these traditional indigenous arts. Shahkuh traditional costume, Kharabshahr pilgrimage and serklateh, Turkmen silk weaving, traditional ruduz (embroidery), metal handicrafts, wicker handicrafts, Gorgan pottery and Gonbad Kavous traditional textile are among the revived disciplines of Golestan in recent years.

According to ISNA, quoting the cultural heritage of Golestan, Tajri at the end of training, attending exhibitions, designing applied products, participating in festivals and attending permanent and seasonal markets and intangible registration of handicraft works are important measures of this department in order to develop and promote Handicraft products stated.

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