Properties of raisins in terms of memory enhancement
There are several types of raisins in Iran in various colors and sizes, the color of which varies due to the amount of anthocyanins in them.
Among several types of raisins and the study of rare properties such as that,
raisins are the type of raisins that are very useful for strengthening memory and treating Alzheimer’s due to their darker color and larger size.
Due to the properties of raisins, elements such as boron, calcium and magnesium,
phosphorus can be found. In addition, the elements in this dried fruit, due to having other substances such as antioxidants,
make raisins special in their kind.
However, the substances, elements and vitamins in raisins cause brain cells to repair and new cells and tissues to enter the human brain system.
These antioxidants contain molecules that contain vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene and other pigments
that protect the body against free radicals that may damage brain cells,
as well as prolonging the life of these cells. They take. It is because of these properties that raisins distinguish it from other nuts.