Production of more than 2,000 tons of grapes in Khosf

Khosfā ražo vairāk nekā 2000 tonnas vīnogu , Vīnogu īpašības, Vīnogas, Vīnogu ziņas, Vīnogu eksports, Zaļās vīnogas, Melnās vīnogas, Vīnogu ražošana, Vīnogu iegāde, Vīnogu tirdzniecība veikalā, Pirmās klases Irānas vīnogu pirkšana, Irānas vīnogu tirdzniecība

Razavi, director of Jihad Keshavarzi in Khosf city, said: Last year, the area under grape cultivation in Khosf city was 400 hectares.

He added: This year, the area under cultivation of this crop is about 450 hectares.

Razavi specified: Last year, the amount of grape production in this city was about 2 thousand and 150 tons and this year the production is about 2 thousand and 530 tons.

The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Khosf city, stating that the time period for planting this crop in Azar province is until April, said: Grape harvest begins in August and continues until September.

He stated: The annual income of this city from grapes is about 8 billion Tomans.

Razavi continued: about 5 and a half tons of crop is harvested from each hectare of area under grape cultivation in Khosf.

The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Khosf city continued: There are about 380 pomegranate farmers in Khosf city.

There are different types of grapes and they also have green, red, blue, purple and black colors.