Production of 65,000 tons of grapes from Zarandieh vineyards
The expert in charge of horticulture of Zarandieh Agricultural Jihad, said:
this city has 2135 hectares of vineyards and this year 200 hectares of new gardens have been added to the vineyards of this city.
Jafar Abbasi added:
Some gardeners in this city have succeeded in harvesting 110 tons of crop per hectare by applying the recommendations of experts in the field
of using chemical fertilizers and nutrients.
He pointed out that Zarandieh city is one of the most important centers of grape production in Markazi province, and said:
Bidaneh, Asgari, Kondor and Fakhri cultivars are among the most important grape cultivars produced in Zarandieh.
Abbasi added:
At present, Khoshkroud region of Zarandieh city is the best region for grape production in Zarandieh.
He pointed out:
Currently, about 65,000 tons of grapes in different cultivars are produced and sent to the market in this city.