Caraway ( Black Cumin )


Cumin is aromatic and carminative in cooking and medicine and caraway in two name (scientific name: Carum carvil) that the latter “Persian cumin” is known.

Cumin fruits, drawn with a length of up to 6 mm and a brown or tan and chocolate brown are sometimes. All parts of the plant, especially fruits, are a good smell and taste. The use of cumin, it is the fruits directly from it or its essential oil.


Cumin is aromatic and carminative in cooking and medicine and caraway in two name (scientific name: Carum carvil) that the latter “Persian cumin” is known.

Cumin fruits, drawn with a length of up to 6 mm and a brown or tan and chocolate brown are sometimes. All parts of the plant, especially fruits, are a good smell and taste. The use of cumin, it is the fruits directly from it or its essential oil.

Stomach tonic, appetite stimulant, stimulating the secretion of gastric glands, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-fungal in traditional medicine.
One of the important uses of cumin, a spice and seasonings in the food industry.

Additional information


0.2 KG, 0.3 KG, 0.5 KG, 1 KG, 1.5 KG, 2 KG, 3 KG, 4 KG, 5 KG, 6 KG


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