• Sale!
    Handgearbeiteter Keramiktopf Boz Design Modell 171032, Handgearbeiteter Keramiktopf, Keramikglas, Tontopf Handgearbeiteter Keramiktopf Boz Design Modell 171032, Handgearbeiteter Keramiktopf, Keramikglas, Tontopf

    Handmade ceramic pot boz design model 171032

    Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $26.00.
    This ceramic pot is very beautiful and well-matched due to its spherical and spherical shape and gives a nice and different composition to your home and office decoration and dining table. The interior has a transparent, colorless glaze that makes cleaning and cleaning easy and easy.
  • Sale!
    Handgefertigter Tongefäß Khaneh Design Code 0016, Handgefertigter Tongefäß, Tontopf, Tongefäß Handgefertigter Tongefäß Khaneh Design Code 0016, Handgefertigter Tongefäß, Tontopf, Tongefäß

    Handmade Pottery Container Khaneh design code 0016

    Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $7.00.
    Pottery has been an important element in ancient Iran for use as a pot and kettle in cooking. Handmade clay is one of the fine arts by artists who make valuable crafts by using pottery and minimal equipment.Here we have prepared all kinds of products made with pottery. Some products are decorated with ceramic coating.


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