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Prevent premature aging and Alzheimer’s disease with walnuts and pistachios

Prevent premature aging and Alzheimer’s disease with walnuts and pistachios

Vitamin E storage also prevents premature aging and wrinkles, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, he said. Alzheimer’s is caused by a lack of vitamin E, which causes brain cells to break down.

Another important nutritional value of grains such as walnuts and pistachios is their fat, he said. Fats are a combination of fatty acids and alcohols, and fatty acids are either saturated fatty acids or unsaturated fatty acids, which are high in unsaturated fatty acids such as walnuts.

There is no cholesterol in the fat in these nutrients, said Dr. Soheili Azad. The unsaturated fatty acids in these seeds are like omega-3 fatty acids, such as linolenic acid, which is very good for children’s growth.

The nutritionist pointed to pentaenoic acid, hexaenoic acid, and other omega-3 fatty acids, saying that these fatty acids in the body’s cells cause the synthesis of a substance called prostaglandins.

He went on to say that prostaglandins perform various functions in the body: Some of them cause a decrease in blood pressure, which increases the elasticity of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended that people with high blood pressure consume omega-3 fatty acids, the best of which is fish liver oil.

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