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Japan and Switzerland are the main customers of Iranian Gabbeh

Japan and Switzerland are the main customers of Iranian Gabbeh

Handicrafts are generally those activities that produce and make handicrafts of some tools, equipment and tools with the principles of aesthetics. This does not mean using special tools during the production process, for example, pottery has long been used in pottery. This art-industry in various lands, depending on the climate and cultural, social and economic context, can take many different forms. These diverse forms always include many of the cultural, social, and religious characteristics of the area.
Thus, although handicrafts are a completely dependent activity, the dominance of its practical aspect over its functional (aesthetic) aspect makes it impossible to give them the title of mere art. However, today we categorize many of the remnants of the past as artistic masterpieces. In order to pay attention to non-oil economy in recent years, special attention has been paid to other economic sectors of the country, and handicrafts have been among these cases.
The report adds: “Accordingly, we have witnessed growth and progress in the export of handicrafts in our country, so much so that according to customs statistics in the three months leading to June 1995, 25 and a half tons of Gabbeh were exported, and this number is 772,904 dollars.” The value of the rial was 23,484,843,898 for the country. It is noteworthy that Japan and Switzerland were the main customers of Gabbeh Irani.

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