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Iran is the third largest producer of raisins in the world

Iran is the third largest producer of raisins in the world

The head of the Nuts and Dried Fruits Union said:
Iran is the sixth largest producer of grapes in the world, but it is the third largest producer of raisins in the world.

Alireza Arzani stated:
The raisin production industry in the country is in a good condition and Iran is one of the largest producers of raisins in the world.

He stated that the raisin market has a high potential for the country’s exports:
the position of Iranian raisins can be much better than the current situation,
but the lack of support and attention to this product has affected the export of raisins.
The price of Iranian raisins for export is lower than other countries, and this is to the detriment of the country.

Arzani said:
The packaging of the product has been very poor, so much so that even in some countries we are required to sell the product without packaging.
In order to obtain a license to export packaged products, one must act through foreign policies.

He pointed out:
The inverse competition that exists between Iranian traders has hurt the country’s exports.

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