How to prepare and how to use barberry juice

Sådan forberedes og hvordan man bruger berberisaft, Egenskaber af berberisaft, Terapeutiske egenskaber, Berberis, Barbærsaft, Frisk berberis, Berberiseksport, Persisk berberis

You can use two methods to prepare natural barberry juice.

The first method:
After preparing and cleaning 250 grams of black barberry, wash it gently with cold water. Then soak it in a non-metallic container with 6 to 8 glasses of water and after 24 hours, pour the mixture into a blender and stir. Strain the resulting black barberry completely using a cloth and transfer to glass bottles for storage.

The second method:
To prepare 4.5 liters of barberry juice, buy one kilogram of barberry juice and wash it with cold water and rinse it.
Then put the mentioned amount of water on the gas flame to reach the boiling point and then remove it from the flame and pour the washed barberry into it. (Note that barberry should not be poured into water under any circumstances. And put it on the flame, because in addition to destroying the properties of barberry, it also tastes bitter).
After pouring the barberry into boiling water, put the lid on the pot and after cooling, put it in the refrigerator and wait for 24 hours.
After the mentioned time has elapsed; Your thick and refreshing barberry juice is ready and you should strain it with a strainer and take the barberry pulp juice, keep it in the refrigerator and drink some of it whenever you want.

important points
* It is harmful for people with dry coughs. * It is better to have a glass every morning, preferably before sunrise, and at night while sleeping.