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How is coriander vegetable?

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How is coriander vegetable?

It is mentioned in traditional medicine books as Kezbareh and Jaljalan (dried coriander). Coriander and Coriander seed are called coriander seeds in English. It is a plant of the Umbelliferae family with the scientific name. Coriandrum sativum L. In America, coriander leaves are called Cilantro.

Coriander is an annual plant with a bright green color. The plant reaches a height of one meter. Its leaves are bright green with frequent divisions that turn the leaves into narrow, claw-like filaments. The flowers are small, white to pinkish-white. Umbrella-like group appears at the end of the flowering branch.

The Latin name for coriander (Coriander) is derived from the Greek word Korio, which means smelly and has an unpleasant odor similar to age or ticks.

The reason is that the green fruit of coriander in its green and immature state and its leaves have an unpleasant odor, but after ripening and drying, its unpleasant odor disappears and finds a pleasant aroma.

The ripe fruit of the coriander is about 0.5 cm in diameter and its color is yellowish brown and slightly pink.

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