Harvesting 7,000 tons of grapes from Khuzestan vineyards

7.000 ton druven rispje út Khuzestan wyngerds , Eigenskippen fan druven, druven, druvenijs, eksport fan druven, griene druven, swarte druven, druvenproduksje, oankeap fan druven, ferkeap fan druven yn 'e winkel, oankeap fan earste klasse Iraanske druven, ferkeap fan Iraanske druven

Koti Soltani / Yaghouti / Askari / Shahroudi and Rish Baba were called important cultivars in the province’s vineyards and the average grape harvest was five tons and a maximum of 18 to 20 tons.

He said that the harvest from Khuzestan vineyards is from June in the form of best and from the beginning of July in the form of grapes, adding: about 13.2 million tons of agricultural and horticultural products are produced annually from 1.2 million hectares in Khuzestan province.

Khuzestan province with 13% of agricultural production is the first in the country and according to the plan, in a 10-year plan, the amount of agricultural production in the province will reach 25 million tons.