Harvesting 17,000 tons of grapes from the vineyards of Dena city

Sklizeň 17 000 tun hroznů z vinic města Dena , Vlastnosti hroznů, Hrozny, Hroznové novinky, Export hroznů, Zelené hrozny, Černé hrozny, Výroba hroznů, Nákup hroznů, Prodej hroznů v obchodě, Nákup prvotřídních íránských hroznů, Prodej íránských hroznů

Najafali Arasteh, the high capacity of Dena city in the field of grape fruit production and harvesting of this product, stated: Grape harvest from the vineyards of Dena city started after the best harvest and continues until the middle of October.

The head of Jihad Keshavarzi of Dena city said: it is predicted that 17,000 tons of grapes in different cultivars will be harvested from 1000 hectares of vineyards in this city this year.

Arasteh added: seedless raisin grapes, Sahebi, Hosseini, Dastchin, Fakhri and Asgari are among the cultivars that are produced in Dena city.

He said that the main problems of the grape market begin after the harvest in the sales phase: These days, if we look at the roadsides in the province, we see grape sellers who, due to the low purchase price of grapes in fruit and vegetable fields, Roads sell.