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Handicrafts are a sign of the cultural identity of the Iranian nation and country

Handicrafts are a sign of the cultural identity of the Iranian nation and country

Iranian handicrafts are oppressed and need more attention and development.
Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Mehdi Karroubi, Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, during his speech at the World Handicrafts Day ceremony, added: Today, the country is facing a very complex employment problem, and every day we face a blessed flood of young people who need employment. .
He pointed out that the employees of the handicrafts sector are about three million people, and said: Considering the fields of handicrafts and its extent in the country and the multiplicity of arts in the country as well as the geographical location of our country, employment in this sector is low and should be developed. .
Karroubi pointed to the value of artists’ work and said: Handicrafts are the product of thought, thought, creativity, initiative, taste, talent and also the great suffering of human beings, so it is different from other economic works that are also important.
He stressed the need to support handicraft artists and said: The government and parliament should provide a basis by supporting artists so that the material results of the efforts go to the artists themselves instead of the capitalists and intermediaries.
Karroubi said: Our view of handicrafts should not be only from the economic aspect and its income, because handicrafts reflect the culture, greatness of civilization and the history of a nation.
The Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly stated: The private sector should be active in handicrafts and the government should reduce its tenure in this sector so that we can witness the growth and development of the country’s handicrafts.

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