Grapes are not produced to their full potential in Maneh and Samolghan

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The head of the North Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Office said:
Grapes are not produced in this city with all their potential.

Majid Razmara added:
Price fluctuations have made grapes growers reluctant to produce this product.

He continued:
Every year, brokers and intermediaries buy this product from gardeners at a low price and then sell it to consumers at a high price.

Razmara stated:
The dilapidation of the orchards is another important factor affecting the reduction of grapes production in Maneh and Samolghan.

He stressed:
Considering the fact that the cost of renovating gardens is high and gardeners do not have enough capital,
this should be considered by the relevant authorities.

The official added that there are 200,000 hectares of vineyards in the city:
Kolahdari grapes are one of the types of grapes that are produced in Maneh and Samolghan.

He considered the lack of fruit conversion and complementary industries in North Khorasan
as another problem facing gardeners and farmers and explained:
Of course, an investor has referred to set up a conversion and complementary industries unit in the industrial town of this city,
which is in the process of receiving facilities from The bank is located.