Grape harvest began from Zarandieh vineyards

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The director of Zarandieh Agricultural Jihad announced the beginning of grape harvest in the vineyards of this city.

Ahmad Gharabegloo predicted that more than 30,000 tons of grapes would be harvested from the city’s 2,150 hectares of vineyards this year.

He announced the average grape harvest in Zarandieh as 15 tons per hectare and said:
Last year, 28,000 tons of grapes were harvested in this city.

Qara Biglou added:
Zarandieh city has a suitable climate for growing grapes, almonds, pistachios and other fruit trees,
but growing grapes is of special importance due to the need for low water.

He pointed out that the soil and water conditions of Zarandieh are very suitable for growing grapes, and specified:
Grape product is one of the main garden products of this city.

The official pointed out that Zarandieh city is the second largest producer of grapes in the province after Khondab, continued: seedless, Asgari, Kondor and Fakhri are the most important grape cultivars in Zarandieh that are mostly produced in Khoshkroud region of this city .

He added:
Most of Khoshkroud vineyards in Zarandieh city, despite the high quality of grapes, need a maximum of three stages of irrigation during the year.

Director of Zarandieh Agricultural Jihad, stating that Zarandieh has 65,000 hectares of agricultural land, of which 13,000 hectares are orchards, said:
Zarandieh water and soil conditions are very favorable for growing grapes, so that the grape crop is one of the main horticultural products in the city.

Noting that following the technical recommendations of agricultural experts has an important role in increasing the quantity
and quality of agricultural production, Gharabiglou said:
If farmers pay attention to the recommendations of experts when planting and harvesting their crops,
they will achieve many successes in agricultural production.