Export of Khondab grapes on shaky scaffolding
The head of Khondab Agricultural Jihad said:
Due to infrastructure gaps and lack of holding, the market of Arab countries has lost Khondab grape product and Turkey has taken over the market.
Mohammad Shamsi stated:
The area of Khondab vineyards reaches five thousand hectares, but among these orchards, only a limited number produce modern grapes and scaffolding.
Emphasizing the use of technology in agriculture and horticulture, he added:
In traditional horticulture, where grape clusters are produced on the ground, crops are more at risk, such as frost.
Shamsi stated:
the use of modern technology and scaffolding method in the production of grapes leads to better performance, lower labor costs,
higher product quality and the use of less toxins, and the product will have a more durable quality, which, of course, will suffer less frost.
He said that the frost damaged about 70% of the city’s vineyards,
adding that Khondab city produces an average of 20 tons of grapes per hectare annually,
and last year it recorded a harvest of 30 tons per hectare and a total of 100,000.
The body was broken and the golden year of Khondab was celebrated,
but this year’s frost has reduced grape production by one third.
The head of Khondab Agricultural Jihad stressed the need to change the cultivation pattern and use modern irrigation methods in the city’s agriculture and said:
only 800 hectares of the city’s gardens are equipped with a new irrigation system and this year another 100 hectares will be equipped
with this system, but with Considering the amount of gardens and agricultural lands, more efforts should be made in this regard.
He considered the lack of insurance in most of the city’s orchards as a factor in not compensating for the damage and reducing
the grape harvest this year and added:
At the time of frost, almost all orchards were uninsured and therefore no facilities have been provided for them to compensate.
Of course, the misdeeds committed by the Agricultural Insurance Fund have not been ineffective in the reluctance of gardeners to use insurance.
The head of Khondab Agricultural Jihad stated:
The city is located in an area that witnesses all natural factors damaging agricultural products,
including drought, frost, wind, etc., and the payment of minimum damages to gardeners and farmers and the non-fulfillment of demands,
including Factors that make farmers reluctant to insure agricultural products and orchards.
Unfortunately, gardeners and farmers have a lot of resistance to changing the cultivation pattern, of course,
with government support and the consideration of free and low-cost facilities and an effective role in education, he said,
noting that changing cultivation patterns leads to early and quality grape production.
In convincing gardeners to change the cultivation pattern.
Shamsi added:
Agriculture is a common crop in Khondab city and the grapes produced are dedicated only to the production of raisins,
which are often dried in sharp water, but we must improve the quality of products in order to brand.
The current cultivation pattern and the lack of scaffolding in grape production cause problems such as fungal problems for grapes,
also due to the use of several stages of spraying, the quality of the product is lost and in practice we are left out of competition and export.
He added:
On the other hand, in addition to trying to improve the quality of grapes produced in Khondab,
raisin packaging industries should be created for branding in order to enter the field of export competition,
but the infrastructure is not available. In order to produce export grapes,
there must be strong heading and proper packaging, but such gaps have removed the grapevine from the field of competition,
and there is not even a cooperative or company for this purpose, and it is not possible to create it in the country.
These conditions have easily lost the markets of the Arab countries, and Turkey has snatched the lead from us.
The head of Khondab Agricultural Jihad, referring to the activities of the city’s grape research center, said:
This center is active, but it is necessary to expand the field of research and also increase communication between experts and producers
to use new findings for quality and competitive production.