Chemical compounds in different parts of coriander

In terms of chemical composition, dried coriander fruit contains about 0.1-0% of light yellow essential oil, which is extracted by distilling dried fruit.

Coriander essential oil irritates the skin in contact with the skin. So that one of the reports of chemical analysis studies shows that coriander essential oil contains coriander.

Fresh coriander leaves contain about 0.012% oxalic acid and 0.172% calcium, and dried leaves contain 85% oxalic acid and 23.1% calcium. In addition, the percentage of calcium is found. In addition, its leaves are a rich source of vitamins A and C. In addition to essential oil, coriander fruit contains about 26.19% of fatty oil.

Other studies show that coriander fruit, also known as coriander seed, loses about 18.5-0.1% of its essential oil during storage and storage for a long time, even at -14 ° C. But if kept in closed jars, it stays fresh for a long time.

Other chemical studies report that coriander contains the essential oils of corianderol, yalinalol, geraniol, pinene, flandern, dipentene, terpinene, cement, borneol, tannin, glaze or mucilage, malic acid, chlorides and phosphate of lime and vitamin A. Coriander seeds contain dimaniol and flavonoid glycosides.