Beginning of saffron cultivation in 6 hectares of Badreh agricultural lands
Heshmatollah Siahi stated: Saffron cultivation has been flourishing in different areas of Ilam province for several years, and this year, saffron cultivation has started in six hectares of agricultural lands in Badra.
He said: the rainfed lands of the city are prone to saffron cultivation according to the tests performed.
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Badreh city added: saffron onion cultivation is done in suitable fields from August to October and this onion can produce crops in suitable conditions for up to 10 years.
Siahie, pointing out that Badreh city is the second in the province in terms of area under cultivation and production of high quality saffron, said: This year, 12 kg of saffron worth 2 billion and 400 billion rials is expected to be produced in this city and To be offered to the consumer market.
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Badreh city stated: Due to the high added value in cultivating items such as saffron and pistachios, development and support for the production of these two products in Badreh is underway.