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Annually 5000 tons of barberry are produced in Ghaen city

Annually 5000 tons of barberry are produced in Ghaen city

The third national festival of red gold with the presence of 1000 domestic and foreign guests will be held simultaneously
with the harvest of saffron in Ghaen city.
The governor of Ghaen city announced this news:
this festival will be held in November with the aim of introducing this product to the people of the world and creating
the ground for its export and marketing.
Mohammad Hosseinnejad Hossein added:
5,000 tons of barberry are produced annually in Qaen city, but this valuable product is unknown and has been unloved.
He called on the authorities to allocate cheap facilities for the insurance of this product,
to build a storage warehouse, to establish a cold storage center for barberry research and processing.

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