Harvesting more than 2,000 tons of grapes from Qaen orchards

Каен бағынан 2000 тоннадан астам жүзім жинау , Жүзімнің қасиеттері, Жүзім, Жүзім жаңалықтары, Жүзім экспорты, Жасыл жүзім, Қара жүзім, Жүзім өндірісі, Жүзім сатып алу, Дүкенде жүзім сату, Иранның бірінші сортты жүзімін сатып алу, Иран жүзімін сату

Sajjadi, director of Jihad Keshavarzi in Ghaen city, stated that last year the area under grape cultivation in Ghaen city was about 553 hectares, and said: Last year, about 2,619 tons of crop was harvested from this amount.

He pointed out that this year the area under grape cultivation in this city is about 557 hectares, adding: This year, about 2,577 tons of grapes were harvested from this amount of area under cultivation.

Sajjadi stated: about 8,100 kilograms of crop is harvested from each hectare under grape cultivation in Ghaen city.

The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Ghaen city, referring to the fact that grapes are planted in Qaen in March, said: This crop will be harvested in this city in September.

He continued: There are about 842 grape growers in Ghaen city.

Sajjadi stated: The income of Ghaen city from this product is about 10 billion and 308 million Tomans.