The beginning of the harvest of ruby grapes from the gardens of Qasr Shirin

Permulaan penuaian anggur ruby ​​dari kebun Qasr Shirin , Sifat anggur, Anggur, Berita anggur, Eksport anggur, Anggur hijau, Anggur hitam, Pengeluaran anggur, Pembelian anggur, Penjualan anggur di kedai, Pembelian anggur Iran kelas pertama, Penjualan anggur Iran

Harvesting of ruby ​​grapes began in more than 4800 hectares of fruitful orchards in Qasr Shirin city.

Engineer Kiomars Shahbazi – Director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Qasr shirin city said:
the area under cultivation of ruby ​​grapes in Qasr shirin is 976 hectares,
of which 486 hectares are fertile and 490 hectares are seedlings that have not yet yielded.

He predicted:
this year, considering the yield of eight tons per hectare,
more than four thousand tons of ruby ​​grapes will be harvested from the orchards of this city and sent to markets inside and outside the province,
which will have a 30% growth compared to last year.

Shahbazi said:
Due to the special climatic and geographical conditions of the city,
every year we see the growth of early and modern ruby ​​grape production in this city,
which has caused a lot of interest and interest of gardeners in the development of ruby ​​vineyards.

The director of Qasr Shirin agricultural jihad added:
In this regard, the management of Qasr Shirin agricultural jihad also encourages gardeners by granting long-term low interest facilities and also providing subsidized seedlings.