63% of our carpet exports are to Germany and the United States

63% of our carpet exports are to Germany and the United States , Koolleh Magazine, Handmade Carpets, Specifications of Handmade Carpets, All Silk Carpets, Iran Carpets, Handmade Carpet Exports, Carpet Exports

Dr. Last year saw a four percent drop in exports, which we hope will make up for in the second half of the year by focusing on the marketing debate.

Dr. Faraji, Deputy Minister of Commerce and President of the National Carpet Center of Iran, said: All devices must interact and work together to support and create facilities in the field of carpet production and exports, so that if If the way of production is weak, it will have a direct and effective effect on exports.

Dr. Faraji pointed out: Interaction in the whole system as well as training to increase quality and accuracy can have a significant impact on the exports development process, so we must move away from the short-term market and move to a stable market and leave the future in this movement. We are going to include it.

He added: By preventing the exports of substandard goods and also establishing factories for the production of raw materials in the provinces that have the capacity, we can be effective in achieving the goals.

In the end, the Deputy Minister of Commerce, emphasizing the creation of a suitable and reasonable platform to increase carpet exports, added: 63% of our carpets are exported to Germany and the United States.