39% growth in carpet production in Ilam in the first 10 months of this year

Şu ýylyň ilkinji 10 aýynda Ilamda haly önümçiliginiň 39% ösüşi , Haly dokamak sungaty, elde dokalan haly, haly dokamak, pars haly dokamak sungaty, haly, Koolleh Magazineurnaly , El bilen ýasalan halylar, elde ýasalan halylaryň aýratynlyklary, silhli ýüpek halylar, Eýran halylary

The head of the Industry, Mining and Trade Organization of Ilam province said: in the first 10 months of this year, more than 4600 square meters of handmade carpets have been produced in the province.
Engineer Ali Mahdavi in ??the meeting of the provincial carpet committee while stating this matter stated: this amount of production compared to the same period last year shows 39% growth.
He stated that there are currently 14,219 hand-woven carpet weavers in the province, adding: Advertising is essential in introducing Ilam carpets along with other activities, including increasing the quality of carpets by the authorities.
Mahdavi added: in introducing and registering carpets in the province, the design, texture, color and other specialized items in the field of carpets should be properly considered by the officials of the province in this field.
The head of the province’s Industry, Mining and Trade Organization pointed out that the operating banks of the province should help more than ever to support these weavers in the form of payment of facilities, noting that this year 1918 weavers in the province to receive bank facilities to banks Agents have been introduced.
He added: Carpets produced in Ilam using natural dyes and quality materials have a high reputation in domestic and international markets.
Mahdavi, stating that the establishment of exhibitions and specialized scientific centers in the field of carpet, provides the basis for improving education and artistic and economic prosperity of the province, said: the use of ideas and special expertise in the carpet industry as infrastructure and the main path in carpet registration and preservation Ilam will be effective.