15% reduction in barberry production following rainfall

Reducción del 15% en la producción de agracejo después de las lluvias, Propiedades del agracejo, agracejo, noticias de agracejo, noticias sobre agracejo fresco, exportación de agracejo, agracejo crudo, plantación de agracejo, cosecha de agracejo

Vice President of Barberry and Saffron Producers and Exporters Association of South Khorasan informed of rain damage to barberry crop and said: 15% of barberry has been lost this year due to rain in recent days, which occurred at the same time as the barberry harvest season. Is.

Ali Hosseini stated: ‌ Following the recent rains that occurred at the same time as the barberry harvest season in South Khorasan province, a large amount of this crop has been destroyed.

He said: Barberry trees have been damaged by untimely rains during the harvest season and their crops have fallen, making it difficult and impossible to collect the fallen crops from the ground.

Hosseini added: On the other hand, due to the fact that barberry is traditionally processed, a large amount of this product, which was drying, has been lost.

The head of the Association of Barberry and Saffron Producers and Exporters of South Khorasan said: it was predicted that 13,000 tons of barberry would be produced this year, which due to the damage will be reduced by about 15% of the harvest and this year 10 to 12 thousand tons of barberry will be harvested.

He pointed out: 55,000 households in South Khorasan province are directly employed in the production of barberry and the cities of Ghaen, Darmian and Birjand have the highest area under cultivation and production of this valuable product.

I have to say; South Khorasan province is the center of barberry production in Iran and our country is the first producer of barberry in the world and last year it exported 300 tons of this product.